I want to summarize my requirements for blog and the effort I took to build one based on Jekyll and hosted on Github.
My primary requirement was perfect support for code blocks as I want to write primarily about programming. Second requirement was markdown support. I like the language and it seem very reasonable to me to use it for blog. Also I generally like to have more control over what I do.
In the past, I used wordpress, but there were several drawbacks I couldn’t get over. Mainly the code blocks support wasn’t out of the box and one had to search for plugins and then research how to install and use them… I never managed to get to some solution that I would be satisfied with. Another drawback was admin interface, that was just out of my capabilities… There were also few things I liked, support for drafts, mobile client was working well.
I came across Jekyll several times, but it was not my cup of tea as I am Ruby virgin. But then…
I found an article that mentioned one GitHub repo that served as a template for jekyll-based site/blog. And it could even be used manually, without any Ruby stuff. That seemed like good idea to me and after a while messing around I ended up with this. So what effort did it take?
Note that detailed description is provided with the template itself, but I want to summarize the steps I took so I can reffer to it later. If somebody else finds it useful I’d be pleased.
1. Fork
Easy enough. Link
1b. Fetch
Easier file manipulation - GitHub for desktop, typora